Powerplex COVID Plan - Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre
Powerplex Site Plan
NLSC - Return to Sport - Alert Level 2 Guidance
NLSC Responsibilities
- Have an approved plan than accommodates PSO and other users plans.
- Identify COVID-19 action/response personnel.
- Ensure clearly defined and signed traffic flow routes.
- Eliminate as many touch points in facility as possible.
- Interior doors left open where possible.
- No access to bleachers.
- No access to dressing room areas and concessions room.
- Floor covering strips to be laid down with appropriately marked physically distanced personal space areas for change of footwear and storing personal effects. Covering marked out in 5m.sq spaces. Court clean system to be used to clean floor strips between user groups.
- Ensure proper signage is posted to inform all users of travel routes, approved activity areas, offlimits areas, hygiene expectations etc. www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/resources/
- Ensure suitable staffing level, to safely regulate COVID-19 protocols.
- Ensure appropriate PPE is available, if necessary for all staff.
- Daily health checks for all staff.
- Ensure easy and effective access to sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer is available.
- Most relevant in high touch areas exits/entrances etc.
- Ensure all areas are cleaned and sanitized at regular intervals, especially high touch areas.
- Exterior doors, toilets & handles (urinals are touchless), paper towel/toilet paper dispensers, floor covering area for personal space.
- Log to be maintained
- Tracking information for purpose of contract tracing for all user groups via Booking Software. Booking system accounts for this by design. No special modifications necessary.
- Maintain regular open lines of communication with PSO Staff with respect to any issue or areas of concern where there may be breaches in protocol.
PSO/User Group Responsibilities
- Have own approved plan specific to their sport. Board level approval with review by CSSD/HCS.
- Have own protocol for screening athletes (health check forms, temperature check, etc.)
- Maintain a protocol and appropriate cleaning supply for cleaning/sanitizing all PSO owned sports equipment. i.e. balls etc. (NLSC will be responsible for NLSC owned equipment).
- Must have COVID-19 Coordinator.
- Must have a suitable ratio of coaches to athletes to monitor and ensure adherence to PSO and NLSC COVID-19 Plans.
- 1 athlete to 5 sq.m minimum in gymnasium or greater.
- Must ensure coaches and athletes follow strict personal hygiene standards with respect to hand washing and using sanitary wipes in areas provided and required.
- Ensure advanced communication to all athletes and coaches regarding traffic flow in and out of building.
- Maintain Own Liability Insurance (Contagion Exclusion is OK)
- This may include use of waivers for athletes; this is not a NLSC responsibility.
- Must complete NLSC digital signature request to use facilities agreeing to Licensing terms. NLSC License Agreement to be updated to include COVID-19/Contagion Plan requirement.
- Maintain regular open lines of communication with NLSC Staff with respect to any issue or areas of concern where there may be breaches in protocol.
NLSC COVID-19 Plan Framework
- Needs to be in sync with PSO Plans.
Gymnasium Access Operations
- Only PSO approved access to start.
- GNL essential service training may be only exception (RNC PARE Testing).
- Only 1/2 or full gym rentals considered in Alert Level 2. No Combat Room or Benvon’s Room at this stage (Exception may be possible as a part of Gymnasium operations). Maximum of 2 different PSO programs at any one time. Require good communication between PSO and NLSC.
- Crosbie rentals on the hour and Parsons rentals on the ½ hour.
- a. Full gym rentals considered for ½hr and on the hour potential.
- Full gym rentals would exit and enter through main entrance.
- ½ gym rentals would use main entrance (30 min apart) but exit through emergency exits in Crosbie 2 and Parsons 3. See Exit/Entrance Diagram.
- Goal is to eliminate large numbers of athletes entering and exiting at the same time.
- Athletes would arrive ready to train, with the exception of changing footwear.
- Arrival would be not more that 5 minutes prior to start of gym time to parking lot. Entrance to facility and gym would be at the start of gym time. Exception could be made for coaching staff.
- No loitering inside facility before or after practice.
Accessible areas
- Entrance/Exit areas
- Direction and traffic flow arrows and signage to clearly indicate enter and exit strategy.
- Only touch point on main exterior door handles when entering.
- All other exiting and entering inside facility is touch free.
- Direction and traffic flow arrows and signage to clearly indicate enter and exit strategy.
- Gymnasium
- Blue floor covering to be laid down and marked to indicate physical distancing for 20 athletes per gym (5 Sq.M per athlete). Water bottles and personal belongings to be stored in personal marked space. Athletes and coaches need to be responsible to ensure safe physical distancing when moving on and off floor covering.
- Floor cover cleaned between every user group.
- Bathrooms
- Only main entrance bathrooms to be used.
- Designated toilets and non-accessible toilets/urinal to be clearly marked in each of main bathrooms.
- Limit 1 person at a time Male/female.
- Wipe/use/wipe policy. Disinfectant wipes installed in each toilet stall. Appropriate disposal bin supplied.
- GNL handwashing signs in all washrooms.
- Hand sanitizer in both entrance areas to washrooms.
- PSO staff to accompany athlete to washroom and wait outside.
- NLSC staff to disinfect cubicle and toilet touch point every hour and between groups.
No Access areas (areas to be ‘caution’ taped off)
- Bleachers
- Male and female locker rooms
- Concessions Room (athletes must bring own filler water bottles. Limit drinking to limit washroom use).
- Staff room
- Storage area (Staff plus 1 other)
- No access to Benvon’s Room or Combat Room.
NL Sports Centre - PowerPlex Alert Level 2 - Guidance July 2020